As you are all aware, COVID continues to dominate the news and discussion around the world, and of course locally. As we head into another provincial lockdown, we wanted to take the opportunity to remind our clients that your health and the health of our vets and staff continue to remain a priority. We will continue to observe social distancing within the office and on farm visits, and will wear masks – and ask that you do the same when the 6-foot distance cannot be maintained.
We are also still limiting traffic in the office, so strongly encourage clients to have their orders delivered at herd health appointments or scheduled calls, or calling ahead so that we can prepare your order prior to your arrival and have it available for curbside pick-up.
If you are coming into the office, we ask that you remain outside if you see another client inside, and wait to enter until they have exited the waiting area. Thank you for your patience and understanding during these challenging times.

On an optimistic note, we understand that agricultural workers will be included in the next phase of the vaccine roll out. Hopefully that will be soon, and may even be by the time this newsletter reaches your desk!